Saturday, August 26, 2006

So I got introduced to timeout ... looks like it is just a start

So for the past few weeks I have not been at my best behaviour. My parents have introduced me to the concept of timeout. A corrective measure or punishment for young children in which they are separated from others for a brief period ;( I also learned that as I grow my timout period will be increasing! They showed in TV if you are two years old your timeout is 2 mins, if you are 3 years old your time is 3 mins ;( and so on and so forth ... hmm birthdays are not fun anymore.

So let me ask you guys a innocently dumb question is there a way I can get out of this?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


He really enjoyed this ride. Two rounds was not enough for him.
You can click on the picture for larger view.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Kallan Number 2

We had been to Jackson's place. This is his Son Aiden. I think he is about 4 months old now. Jackson calls Aakash as Kallan Number 1 and Aiden as Kallan Number 2.
You can click on the picture for larger view.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Krishna Janmaashtami

Krishna Janmaashtami, also known as "Krishnaashtami", "Gokulaashtami", "Srikrishna Jayanti", "Sree Jayanthi" or sometimes merely as "Janmaashtami", is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu. Krishna Janmashtami is observed on the eighth day of the dark half (Krishna Paksha) of the month of Bhadrapadha in the Hindu calendar, when the Rohini Nakshatram is ascendent. The Hindu calendar being lunar, these two events [the day being the eighth of the waning moon (Krishna-paksha Ashtami) and the Rohini Nakshatram being ascendent] may overlap for only a few hours. In such an event, the festival may be celebrated on different (but successive) days by different people, depending on their local or family traditions. It also a tradition to dress toddler/young boys as Krishna.

Now after that lecture :-) Here are few snaps of Aakash as Mini Krishna.

You can click on the picture for larger view.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Aakash in Times Square

Aakash's picture was recently selected for advertisement. Here you can see him in Times Square and his picture is also seen in the sidewalks of New York. We got couple of shots for you below :-) His advertisement line was "The new Generation Toddler!"
You can click on the picture for larger view.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Traditional dressing

You can click on the picture for larger view.

Aakash the Gardener

Today he decided to get involved in the growing and maintenance of plants. I asked him if he knew the practical aspects of gardening … he said yes!

You can click on the picture for larger view.

But then whom was he trying to impress??? Now I understand all his gardening talk!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Offering prayers

In spite of his naughtiness … deep inside Aakash firmly believes in God and offers prayers once a day.
You can click on the picture for larger view.